Rachel Wong


年齡: 27

出生地點: 香港

學歷: 大專

職業: 市場策劃員

語言: 粵語、國語、英語

星座: 巨蟹座

興趣: 夾Band、打泰拳、滑雪

最喜愛歌手: 張學友

最喜愛的歌曲: 樓上來的聲音

Age: 27

Place of Birth: Hong Kong

Education: University

Occupation: Marketing Specialist

Languages Spoken: Cantonese, Mandarin, English

Horoscope: Cancer

Hobbies: Playing/singing in a band, Muay Thai, Skiing

Favorite singer: Jacky Cheung

Favorite song: Sounds From Upstairs

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What significance does the chosen song hold for you?


My friend introduced me to this song, and I've had it on repeat ever since!

Who has been your mentor on the musical journey?


My close friends have been my mentors on this musical journey, as they've offered valuable insights and techniques that have helped me become a better singer and performer.

What genre of songs do you like? Why?


I prefer slower songs because I grew up listening to that genre. They allow emotions to be conveyed more deeply and clearly, making it easier for me to connect with the song's meaning.

Is there a music genre you would like to try in this singing contest?


I always sing slow and emotional songs, so I am excited to challenge myself by diving into faster-paced songs, embracing the different energy and dynamism they offer.

What unique experiences have music brought to you?


Music has enriched my life with unique experiences and lasting connections. I've had the privilege of forming deep and enduring friendships with individuals who share the same passion. Together, we established a band and had the opportunity to perform at various events, including a dear friend's wedding and local night markets.

What made you participate in this singing contest?


I want to challenge myself to try new genres of songs, as well as push myself to combine elements of stage performing into my performance.

A song that has moved you the most.

張學友的《樓上的聲音》,這首歌是我在 Spotify 上重播次數最多的歌曲。旋律和歌詞提醒我要在生活的喧囂和干擾中保持真實。

“Sounds From Upstairs” by Jacky Cheung. It's my most replayed song on Spotify. The melody and lyrics remind me to stay true to myself, even amidst life's noise and distractions.

Since your earliest memories, what was the first song you loved?


The first song that left a lasting impression on me is Teresa Teng’s “I Only Care For You.” It holds a special place in my heart as it was the first Chinese song I ever learned to sing.

What was the first album you bought in your life?

Train 的《Save Me, San Francisco》,在聽了這張專輯中的一首歌後深深愛上,我決定購買整張專輯,深入了解更多他們的音樂。

The first album I bought was Train’s “Save Me, San Francisco.” After hearing a song from that album and falling in love with it, I decided to buy the whole album to explore more of their music.

Would you consider trying songwriting?


Definitely! It’s one of the top things me and my band are currently working on.

Since when have you enjoyed singing?


Ages ago! I practically grew up with it, thanks to my parents and their karaoke nights!