Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts
2024.6.26 WED 8PM



6號阮駿龍封歌王 演繹R&B充滿王者風範
10號戴子程奪亞軍及金嗓獎 季軍9號黃萃華

新一屆歌王誕生!由新時代電視主辦、城市電視、加拿大中文電台 AM1430 及娛樂生活雜誌協辦之《那些年•這些歌》精選歌曲大賽第二季總決賽,6 月 26 日圓滿舉行,6號阮駿龍憑一曲《騷靈情歌》及《小鎮姑娘》,獲得評判青睞,勇奪冠軍,成為新一代歌王。亞軍及季軍分別由10號戴子程及9號黃萃華奪得,戴子程同時獲得金嗓獎。大會邀得著名作曲家胡偉立、資深音樂人蔡業恩及著名歌唱老師姜曉擔任評審;任志偉特許會計師任大會核數師,加上著名電視電台主持潘宗明及李亭兩位經驗豐富的司儀組合,為比賽錦上添花。

冠軍阮駿龍表現大勇,擅長 R&B 的他在第一回合演唱張敬軒的《騷靈情歌》,在色士風的優美音色伴奏下,演繹出充滿希望、騷動靈魂的精髓。進入 5 強後,他明顯表現更加輕鬆,甚至越戰越勇,拿出十足功力演唱陶喆的《小鎮姑娘》,真假音轉換自如,富有節奏律動,充滿王者風範,令人眼前一亮。

亞軍戴子程於第二回合的五強之戰壓軸出場,演唱了孫燕姿的《逆光》,他的歌聲正如歌詞:「面對希望 逆著光 感覺愛存在的地方」,充滿愛意和溫暖,甚至感染全場一起大合唱,更令他一舉摘下「金嗓獎」。季軍黃萃華則憑著蘇慧倫的清新少女歌曲《Lemon Tree》成功打入五强,第二回合卻大改風格,演唱張學友的《一生只想跟你走》,從少女一秒轉換到情深滿滿的情人,自如地駕馭不同風格。

總決賽分為2回合,10位參賽者在完成首回合比賽後,評判將按表現淘汰一半參賽者,大會設計的復活戰更是令人心驚膽顫! 在評判宣布6號阮駿龍、7號盧國權、9號黃萃華及10號戴子程入圍後,剩下的6組參賽者須透過男歌女唱、女歌男唱的方式,演唱指定歌曲《最長的電影》或《新不了情》,爭奪最後一個入圍名額。各人使出十足唱功,最終1號邵仁杰獲得評判青睞,成功出線。

現場觀眾彷彿重溫了一遍回憶。大會邀請了五位過往新秀歌唱大賽冠軍徐諾 (2004年) 、劉柏村 (2005年) 、武海峰 (2007年) 、許家欣 (2012年) 及趙明 (2014年) 與10組參賽者一同演唱開幕序曲,新舊交匯,擦出火花。其後再帶來2首激勵人心的歌曲,鼓勵所有追夢者。除了各得獎者外,其餘參賽者亦帶來經典金曲,包括《從開始到現在》(1號 邵仁杰 唱)、《李香蘭》(2號 黃闡輝 唱) 、《酷愛》(3號 周子聰 唱) 、《多得他》(4號 張依玲、初芷晴 唱) 、《Bad Romance》(5號 林怡辰 唱) 、《彎彎的月亮》(7號 盧國權 唱) 、《餓狼傳說》(8號 郭文熙 唱) 等 。三位特別表演嘉賓:音樂製作人羽田及新世代得獎歌手  Jimmy、Lil’ Kool 則為觀眾送上《以父之名》、《在海邊》、《All I Ask》及新歌《蕾拉》,用音樂帶觀眾一夜橫跨30載。


新時代電視1台 | 7月7日 | 星期日 | 9PM

新時代電視 2 台 | 7月14日 | 星期日| 東岸8PM | 西岸5PM

城市電視 | 7月27日 | 星期六 | 東岸5:20PM| 西岸 8:30PM

"Those Days • These Songs" Singing Contest Season 2

Final Successfully Held
No. 6 David Ruan Crowned King of Songs, Showcasing R&B Majesty
No. 10 Daniel Dai won the runner-up and the Golden Voice Award; No. 9 Rachel Wong took third place

A new King of Songs is born! "Those Days • These Songs" Singing Contest Season 2, hosted by Fairchild TV and co-organized by Talentvision TV, Fairchild Radio AM1430, and PLEM, was successfully held on June 26. No. 6, David Ruan, won the judges' favour with his "Soul Ballad" and "Small Town Girl" performances, securing the championship! The first and second runners-up were won by No. 10, Daniel Dai, and No. 9, Rachel Wong. Daniel also received the Golden Voice Award.

The event invited esteemed music professionals as judges: famous composer, Mr. William Hu, well-known musician, Mr. Evan Choi, and famous singing Teacher, Mr. Hill Jiang; Mr. Alexis Yam, C.A., served as the official auditor for the competition. Additionally, the experienced duo of famous TV and radio hosts Chung Ming Poon and River Lee as masters of ceremonies, added extra flair to the show.

Champion David Ruan showed great prowess. Specializing in R&B, he performed Hins Cheung's "Soul Ballad" in the first round, capturing the feeling of hope with the accompaniment of a beautiful saxophone melody. After advancing to the top 5, he became even more relaxed and confident, delivering a masterful performance of David Tao's "Small Town Girl," effortlessly transitioning between falsetto and chest voice, filled with rhythm and groove, leaving a lasting impression.

Runner-up Daniel Dai took the stage last in the second round of the Top Five battle, performing Stefanie Sun's "Against the Light", his voice echoing the lyrics, "Facing hope, against the light, feeling the place where love exists," filled with love and warmth, even prompting the audience to join in a chorus, earning him the Golden Voice Award.  Third place Rachel Wong made it to the Top Five with the fresh, girlish song "Lemon Tree" by Tarcy Su. In the second round, she drastically changed her style, singing Jacky Cheung's "Only Want to Walk with You for Life," transitioning from a girl-next-door to a deeply affectionate lover, mastering different styles effortlessly.

The final was divided into two rounds. After the first round, where 10 contestants competed, the judges eliminated half of them based on their performances, the revival battle was thrilling! After the judges announced No. 6 David Ruan, No. 7 Danny Lo, No. 9 Rachel Wong, and No.10 Daniel Dai were advancing to the top 5, the remaining six contestants had to compete for the final spot by performing designated songs "The Longest Movie" or "New Endless Love" in a gender-swapped performance style. Eventually, Contestant No. 1 David Shao won the judges' favour and successfully advanced.

The audience was taken on a nostalgic journey. The event invited five past winners of the New Talent Singing Awards—Winona Xu (2004 Winner),Patrick Lau (2005 Winner), Kenneth Wu (2007 Winner), Emily Hui (2012 Winner),and Bob Zhao (2014 Winner)—to perform the opening medley with the 10 contestants, sparking a blend of old and new talents. They also delivered two inspiring songs, encouraging all dream chasers.  Besides winners, other finalists also brought classic hits, including"Beginning → Now" (by No.1 David Shao), “Shirley Yamaguchi” (by No.2Chris Wong), “Ardently Love” (by No.3 Jeffery Chow), “Thanks to Him" (byNo.4 Elaine Cheung & Arielle Chor), "Bad Romance" (by No.5 DoraLin), “Crescent Moon” (by No.7 Danny Lo) and “Born to be wild” (by No.8 Alvis Kwok). Three guest performers, music producer Laird Zhou and new-generation award-winning singers Jimmy Hsu and Lil' Kool, delivered "In the Name of the Father," "By the Sea," "All I Ask," and the new song "Layla," taking the audience on a musical journey spanning three decades.

Thanks to the strong support from all the sponsors, the "Those Days• These Songs" Singing Contest Season 2 was successfully held. For those who missed the exciting live atmosphere, please tune in to Fairchild TV and Television TV for the broadcast:

FTV 1 | July 7 | Sunday | 9 PM

FTV 2 | July 14 | Sunday | 8 PM EST |5 PM PST

TTV | July 27 | Saturday | 5:20 PM EST| 8:30 PM PST


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《那些年·這些歌》精選歌曲大賽第二季 總決賽圓滿舉行
"Those Days• These Songs" Singing Contest Season 2 Finale Successfully Held
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